Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College 2101 14th Street Cloquet, Minnesota 55720 Office: W217 Phone: 218-879-0840 Email: Spring 2025 Class Schedule: Time Days Room Course 9:00-10:15 M_W__ 228 Math 1030 10:30-11:20 M_W__ 228 Math 0025 12:30- 1:45 M_W__ 227 Csci 1020 2:00- 3:15 M_W__ 228 Math 1010 asynchronous Zoom Math 2001 Office Hours in Room W217 and Zoom: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 11:30-12:20 8-11 11:30-12:20 -------- ------
All materials handed out in class will be on D2L.
College Algebra, by Jay Abramson (senior author) Openstax: college-algebra
From the textbook website you can view the textbook online using their viewer, you can download the entire book in PDF format, or you can download for Kindle. You can also download the entire textbook in PDF format from this local server directory:
You may have a calculator already, but make sure that it is a scientific calculator. If you need to buy one, I recommend a cheap calculator like a TI-30XS Multiview. This does what you need, and the bookstore sells them for under $20 . If you have a problem getting one, let me know. You need to have it available for all assignments. You do not need a more expensive graphing calculator, but, if you have one, it will be fine.
3 tests 3x100 = 300 1 final 150 25 homework 4x25 = 100 ----------------------- 550 total 90-100% A 80-90% B 70-80% C 60-70% D 0-60% F Scores from tests are posted on D2L here:
This course addresses FDLTCC liberal education requirements (Competencies Across the Curriculum) in problem solving and technology. You should come to class everyday! This is the easy way to do well in any course, and it is especially true for math classes. There are exercises in the text for you to do, and these are usually answered at the end of each chapter. You will also get homework assignments on handouts, and you should complete then hand these in at the beginning of the next class. You homework grade is based on completing and turning in these homework handouts. You will also get sample exams which will be similar in length and content to the in-class exams. Let me know if there is are accommodations you need for the class.
Mon jan13 1 1.1 real numbers 1.2 exponents and scientific notation H1 (in D2L under Materials : Content) Wed jan15 2 1.3 radicals and rational expressions H2 Mon jan20 H Wed jan22 3 1.4 polynomials 1.5 factoring polynomials H3 Mon jan27 4 1.6 rational expressions H4 Wed jan29 5 2.1 Cartesian plane 2.3 models and applications H5 Mon feb03 6 2.4 complex numbers 2.5 quadratic equations H6 (sample test 1 in D2L) Wed feb05 7 2.7 linear and absolute value inequalities H7 Mon feb10 8 Test 1 Wed feb12 9 3.1 Functions 3.2 domain and range 3.4 composition 3.5 tranformation 3.7 function inverses Mon feb17 H Wed feb19 10 4.1 Linear Functions 4.2 modeling with linear functions Mon feb24 11 4.3 fitting linear models to data Linear Regression Calculator Wed feb26 12 Test 2 Mon mar03 13 5.1 quadratics 5.2 polynomials 5.3 graphs of polynomial functions Wed mar05 14 5.4 dividing polynomials 5.6 rational functions Spring Break Mon mar17 15 Conic Sections: parabola and ellipse, graphing with NASA Maven Mars Kepler's Laws Orbits Halley's comet 8.1 The Ellipse Conic Sections: circle, parabola, ellipse, hyperbola Wed mar19 16 6.1 exponential functions 6.2 graphs of exponential functions Mon mar24 17 6.3 logarithmic functions 6.4 graphs of log functions Wed mar26 18 calculation with logarithms, and uses of Mon mar31 19 6.5 properties of logs 6.6 exponential and log equations radio-carbon dating Wed apr02 20 6.7 exponential and log models and applications Mon apr07 21 7.1 systems of linear equations in 2 variables Wed apr09 22 7.2 systems of linear equations in 3 variables triangulation in games Mon apr14 23 Test 3 Wed apr16 24 7.5 matrices and operations 7.7 matrix algebra and inverses, solving systems Mon apr21 25 7.8 determinants and Cramer's rule Wed apr23 26 9.1 sequences and series 9.2 arithmetic sequences Mon apr28 27 9.3 geometric sequences and series 9.5 counting Wed apr30 28 9.6 binomial theorem 9.6 binomial probabilities Applications of the binomial theorem Mon may05 29 Final Exam Review Wed may07 T1 (9-10:50 room 228 Math1030) (11-12:50 room 227 Csci1020) Thu may08 T2 Fri may09 NC Mon may12 T3 Tue may13 T4 12-1:50 room 228 Math1010