Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College 2101 14th Street Cloquet, Minnesota 55720 Office: W217 Phone: 218-879-0840 Email: Spring 2025 Class Schedule: Time Days Room Course 9:00-10:15 M_W__ 228 Math 1030 10:30-11:20 M_W__ 228 Math 0025 12:30- 1:45 M_W__ 227 Csci 1020 2:00- 3:15 M_W__ 228 Math 1010 asynchronous Zoom Math 2001 Office Hours in Room W217 and Zoom: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 11:30-12:20 8-11 11:30-12:20 -------- ------
You should not print out the textbook. It will not disappear. You can download the PDF for viewing on your own machine if this is handy for you. You will probably read some sections more carefully than others. Sections are referenced in the tentative scheule as needed.
Statistics textbooks vary in details; you will note differences if you look through other texts and references. We will use the conventions in this textbook. One weakness of this textbook is that the tables are difficult to use and, notably, difficult to print out in readable form. Here are some common tables in better form:
Standard Normal, Binomial, and T Tables
All of these tables can be replaced by calculator functions. Yet, it is usually helpful to work with tables as they help visualize probability distributions, and these particular tables are quick to use for practical problems.
I recommend the calculator TI-30XS Multiview. This does what you need for under $20. Fancier calculators may be more difficult to use. The bookstore sells the TI-30XS Multiview for under $20 .
Do not buy just any TI-30-something from Walmart or another store! There are many TI-30-something models: TI-30, TI-30X-IIS, TI-30x Plus, TI_30 X IIB, TI-30xa, TI-30 ECO RS, TI-30 X, TI-30 X Pro, etc. etc. Don't settle for anything else but this: TI-30XS Multiview
In fact, most scientific calculators can do all the statistical calculations that you need for this course. Yet, they do them slightly differently--and differently between these myriad slightly different "TI 30" models too. For ease on yourself, get this one specific TI-30XS Multiview model, nothing else.
Keep your calculator handy! You must have it for homework, exams, and in-class work.
There are some online calculators you may find helpful later on:
Basic Statistics and Standard Normal Distribution Calculators
29 Class Meetings: 29x10 = 290 ------------------------------- P/F
This course goes along with Math 1030, but as a supplement to look more carefully at areas of mathematic and computation that are helpful for statistics study. There are no homework assignments or tests in this class. We will do everything in class.
The tentative schedule below shows MATH1030 topics and events. Those are not our topics and events for this class, but what we will work around and with during the semester.
Mon jan13 1 1.1 Basic Definitions and Concepts, 1.2 Overview, 1.3 Presentation of data Wed jan15 2 2 1. descriptive statistics,displaying data 2.2 central position Mon jan20 H Wed jan22 3 2.3 variance Mon jan27 4 2.4 relative position Wed jan29 5 2.5 STD DEV and Chebyshev's theorem Mon feb03 6 Sample Test 1 and review Wed feb05 7 (T1) Mon feb10 8 3.1 sample spaces 3.2 set theory Wed feb12 9 3.3 conditional probability Lets Make a Deal Mon feb17 H Wed feb19 10 Counting, permutations, and combinations Mon feb24 11 4.1 discrete random variables 4.2 probability distributions Wed feb26 12 4.3 binomial distr Mon mar03 13 Sample T2 and Review Wed mar05 14 (T2) Spring Break Mon mar17 15 5.1 continuous random variables Wed mar19 16 5.2 standard normal distr 5.3 computation: using std normal distr Mon mar24 17 5.4 tails of distr Wed mar26 18 (T3) Mon mar31 19 6.1 mean and std dev of the sample mean 6.2 sampling distr of sample mean Wed apr02 20 7.1 large sample estimation Mon apr07 21 7.2 small sample estimation Wed apr09 22 7.3 estimation of sample proportion Mon apr14 23 7.4 sample size considerations Wed apr16 24 Test 4 Review Mon apr21 25 (T4) Wed apr23 26 8.1 hypotheses testing Mon apr28 27 8.2 large sample test for population mean Wed apr30 28 8.3 significance of a test Mon may05 29 Final Exam Review Wed may07 T1 (9-10:50 room 228 Math1030) (11-12:50 room 227 Csci1020) Thu may08 T2 Fri may09 NC Mon may12 T3 Tue may13 T4 (12-1:50 room 228 Math1010)